Aram Papyan

Aram Papyan

Senior lieutenant Aram Papyan

Aram Hrachik Papyan

( 06.02.1973 – 17.10.2020 )

Aram Hrachik Papyan, senior lieutenant, commander of a platoon (February 6, 1973, town Qajaran, Syunik region – October 17, 2020, vil. Aygehovit, region Qashatagh).

He studied in local secondary school # 2, and graduated it with excellence. Aram had unique skills in natural sciences, especially – in mathematics. In 1989-1994 he entered the machinery faculty of Yerevan Polytechnic University and awarded it with diploma of engineer-mechanics.  In 1994 he was enlisted, he served as an officer. He participated in Artsakh first war and strengthened as a lieutenant. In 1997 he began to work in Zangezur copper-molybdenum plant (ZCMP), at first as a fitter, after a short period – as a chief engineer of a manufacturing department. In 2009-2013 he worked in mail-structuring department of ZCMP as a mechanic-engineer. In 2013-2018 he already worked in manufacturing department of ZCMP as a chief specialist. In 2017 he was a deputy chief mechanic. Since the first day of the war he went to participate in war voluntarily as a reserve officer, at first – to the borders of Syuniq, then – to Artsakh. He differed from other people by his human kinds, and remained in our memory with this quality. Alas, he died at night of October 17, 2020, in the village Aygehovit of Qashatagh region. He had a dream to see in his son all that positive, that he himself had seen in his parents. He has awarded the medal “Military service”.