Aristakes Stepanyan

Aristakes Stepanyan

Travellers of the Eternal: Aristakes Stepanyan

Aristakes Stepanyan

Aristakes Hoktember Stepanyan

( 10.02.1993 – 07.10.2020 )

Aristakes Hoktember Stepanyan (February 10, 1993, Yerevan – October 7, 2020, Jabrayil (Jrakan)).

He has studied in secondary school # 60 after Vahan Teryan. He enrolled in the juridical faculty of North University of RA and stopped his study caused by the beginning of war. He had a dream to liberate Gandzak and Getashen.  He was married and had one daughter.  He hadn’t serviced in military forces of RA, although he voluntarily moved to Artsakh Republic, being a member of Volunteer Union “Yerkrapah” (Keeper of country) (VUY), to participate in Armenian-Azerbaijan war.  He has conducted the commander’s order to liquidate enemy’s DZOD. After finishing the task, while helping his friend, he was killed from bomb explosion in Jabrayil.