Armenian geographer and cartographer Ruben Galichyan delivered a lecture at the History Museum of Armenia on October 17.

The country called “Armenia” existed in all maps by foreign cartographers since the 6th century BC.

Despite the fact that for six-seven centuries Armenia had lost its independence as a state, its name is seen in all maps (even the sea maps) showing the region which stretched from the eastern banks of the Euphrates to the place where the Arax and Kura merge, i.e. Artsakh.

As a Christian country, Armenia wedged into a chain of Muslim states, hindering the realization of the Ottoman and Pan-Turkic dream, which is a program called the Great Turan.

These maps were taken from the most important works by European and Islamic cartographers.

Ruben Galichyan has been researching the rich cartographic heritage and extensive information in European libraries since the 1970s. Until present, he has published 20 books on Armenian cartography, history and culture in Armenian, English, Russian and Persian.