The velvet dress consists of two parts. The bust is open and it has buttons. Both parts have vegetal patterns in many colours. The lining is made of white cotton cloth. Collection : Ethnographic collection Exposition : Armenian Traditional Costume 18th – 19th cc. Period : Modern Era Era [...]
The unique outfit is made of green velvet is embroidered in gold thread. Double snakes-dragons and stylized trees of life are luxuriously embroideredon the two fronts and sleeves. The inner dress is made of sky blue silk decorated with embroidered branches and baskets and edges with lace [...]
Episodes from the life of Christ - the Annunciation, the Baptism and the Adoration of the Magi - are embroidered on the light greenish foundation. The scenes are divided from each other by columns, the capitals of which are decorated with the heads of winged angels. Collection : Ethnog [...]
Two narrative scenes are represented in embroidery on a quadrangular piece of fine silk cloth of white colour. The scene of Christ’s Resurrection is depicted on one half of the cover. In the foreground of the domed temple symbolizing Jerusalem are the myrrh-bringing women who came to th [...]
The altar curtain of the church is a quadrangular piece of green satin, with additions in red silk at the right and left borders, and sumptuous embroidery. In the centre of the embroidered altar curtain of the church, Hripsimé, the saint virgin nun, is shown standing in the three-domed a [...]