Armenian Carpet Art XVII-XX cc | Yerevan, History Museum of Armenia, 2012. /album-catalogue/ The album-catalogue “Armenian Carpet Art 17th-20th centuries” includes classic examples of armenian carpets from almost all historical-ethnographical regions of Armenia, which have been ch [...]

  The Ancient Iconography of Mother of God In the monograph Z. A. Tarayan has studied the historically formed oldest reflections of the cult of the Mother of God, as the early forms of religious manifestations, mainly reconstructed according the fine art materials provided by the Mu [...]

  The Eternity of Writing Yerevan, History Muaeum of Armenia, 2012. /album-catalogue/ Exhibition on the Occasion of the 500thAnniversary of Armenian Printing

  Aragatsotn “Know Your Country”series , /album-catalogue / Yerevan, History Museum of Armenia, 2012.

  Early Medieval Four-Sided Stelae in Armenia Yerevan, History Museum of Armenia, 2012. _ The monograph “Early Medieval Four-Sided Stelae in Armenia” is the first complex study where 252 four-sided stelae from Armenia, Western Armenia (Turkey), Georgia and Nagorny Karabagh have been [...]

  Armenian amulets of XVIII-XX cc. | A.Israelyan Yerevan, History Museum of Armenia, 2012, 224 pages. This study aims to shed light on the eclectic amulet collection in the History Museum of Armenia, namely natural and artificial intriguing objects of charms used or worn in the XVII [...]