New and Modern history department

New and Modern history department

The New and Modern History Department has functioned at the Museum since 1949. In 1991, when the Revolution Museum of Armenia was liquidated, its collections were given to the New and Modern History Department at the History Museum of Armenia. The Department studies the history of social, political, national liberation movements and culture in Armenia and in the Diaspora from the 17th century until modern times.

The collections of the Department comprise documents, photographs, lapidary inscriptions, flags and seals of the 17th-21th centuries, personal archives of social, political and military figures (photographs, documents and personal belongings).

The New and Modern History Department has functioned at the Museum since 1949. In 1991, when the Revolution Museum of Armenia was liquidated, its collections were given to the New and Modern History Department at the History Museum of Armenia. The Department studies the history of social, political, national liberation movements and culture in Armenia and in the Diaspora from the 17th century until modern times.

The collections of the Department comprise documents, photographs, lapidary inscriptions, flags and seals of the 17th-21th centuries, personal archives of social, political and military figures (photographs, documents and personal belongings).