Armen Hovsepyan

Armen Hovsepyan

Armen Hovsepyan

Armen Karlen Hovsepyan

( 03.04.1987 – 24.10.2020 )

Armen Karlen Hovsepyan (3 April 1987, town Hrazdan, Kotayk region – 24 October, 2020, Fizuli (Varanda)).

In 1985 – 1996 he studied in Hrazdan secondary school # 13. He was enlisted the army in 1996. He served in Gyumry military unit during 1996 – 1998. Armen worked in Hrazdan road constructing company in 2001- 2013. In 2014 Armen emigrated to Moscow for work due to social conditions and returned home caused by father’s death. Armen was married, he had three children. He waited the born of his last kid for a long time. It was his highest dream.   He used to say: “Only the daughter likes her father very much, she will cry for me..” Alas, Armen’s daughter was 5 years old, when she lost her father, when she even didn’t understand, what is the death. Armen moved to battle field on his daughter’s birthday – on September 29. At first he participated in Martuni self-defense battles, then he replaced to Fizuli (Varanda).  Armen was one of the firsts, who supported his friends by the cost of his life, during the strong and severe battles. Armen died on October 24. It’s unfortunate that they couldn’t find his corpse for a long time. After 40-day long searching they found and burried in his native Lernanist village.