Artash Ayvazyan

Artash Ayvazyan

Artash Ayvazyan

Artash Rustam Ayvazyan

( 13.09.2001 – 27.11.2020 )

Artash Rustam Ayvazyan. driver (August 13, 2001, vil. Vardenik, Gegharqunik region –  November 27, 2020, Hadrut).

He received his preliminary education at Vartenik secondary school # 1. Artash was engaged in all organizational tasks of his class. He was very friendly, he also knew how to contact with elder men, as well as – with young people. He was proud of his army serving and used to say “Each guy must serve in army”. Before the oath ceremony, he served in Martuni -2 military unit and then moved to Jabrayil (Mekhakavan) and served as a driver in anti-tank company of the 5-th battalion. He enjoyed his serving. During the war the enemy blew up his car and he took a contrattack with his friends. During the war battles, they retreated from Jabrayil to Hadrut. His last call to his family was on October 16, he said that they are in surrounding, but said nothing about their staying place. When they were surrounded on November 6, their 20-person group was divided into 3 subgroups, two groups with 6 persons, and one group – 8. 6 of them due to contacting with Emergency Ministry came out on December 20. The other 6 persons turned out under enemy target and were killed on December 27. Artash was in 8 person group, and two of them became captive. One of the saved 6 guys informed about all of these. A wounded sergeant, who was in Artash’s group, called to rescuers and told, that they needed help. The rescuers found their place of location, which was near the village Togh in Hadrut region. Artash’s parents with other parents went Stepanakert on November 27. They hoped, that they will meet their sons alife and they took with them warm clothes and food.  On the morning of November 27 the Emergency Ministry in Stepanakert informed, that the enemy handed over to the Armenian side 5 new corpses.  Being informed about this, Artash’s parents went to morgue and found Artash’s frozened corpse. Artash was killed by enemy’s sharp-shooter. Artash had a lot of unfulfilled dreams. He wanted to return back from army and to open his own business, to buy a house in the city and get married. He also wanted to become dentist, he lived with dreames and was planning his future, but all these remained as dreams.