Travellers of the Eternal: Edgar and Vahe Arakelyans

Edgar and Vahe Arayik Arakelyans
( 26.07.2000 – 01.10.2020 )
Edgar and Vahe Arayik Arakelyans (July 26, 2000, Hrazdan – October 1, 2020, Jrakan)
They completed their education at Hrazdan Kh. Abovyan Secondary School from 2006 to 2015. Subsequently, Edgar enrolled in the duduk section, specializing in the Armenian instrument (pku), at A. Khachatryan Music School, while Vahe pursued the clarinet. Concurrently, they also engaged in the trumpet and baritone sections at the Art School. In 2017, both were accepted into the duduk and clarinet departments of the music-pedagogical college named after Arno Babajanyan. Throughout this period, they actively participated in various city and regional music competitions and festivals, consistently earning accolades and medals, and upholding the honor of their city. In 2019, two brothers left their studies and were drafted into the Armenian Army on January 10. They served at Kapan and attended military exercises in Jrakan (Jabrayil) twice a year. They were only 100 days away from being demobilized as they turned 20 years old, but fate had other plans. On September 27th, battles broke out around Armenia’s borders, and the brothers, who were grad drivers in Jrkan, found themselves in the middle of the conflict. After four days of fierce fighting, Edgar and Vahe Arakelyan died as heroes on October 1st. The President of the Republic of Artsakh posthumously awarded the brothers the “Combat Service” medal for their bravery and unwavering loyalty.