Hrayr Armen Yeganyan. Volunteer (march 25, 1990, Yerevan – October 20, 2020 Jrakan).
He studied in secondary school after Vahan Teryan. He attended piano classes in musical school of Officer’s center. He continued his study in college after Anania Shirakatsi, then in secondary school after L. Shant. Parallel to studies he attended the “Pyunik” football club. He loved football very much. In 2006-2010 he studied in faculty of economics of Yerevan State University and graduated it with bachelor’s degree. From October to December 2009 he was a special student in the Department of state budget obligations control of ministry of Finances of RA. In the period of 2010-2012 he served in military forces of RA, in Goris. He studied in international center of accountant training, received a certificate. From May 2014, in the frame of (ՄԱՉԾ) he has undergone a work practice in “Gudcredit” CSJC, as a loan specialist. From October 2014 he worked in “Aregak” UCO, as a senior loan specialist. In 2018 he graduated the faculty of economics and management of YSU, with bachelor’s degree in speciality of finances, monetary transactions and loans. He participated in “Service personnel skills” trainings, organized by “BSC” Business Supporting Center, received a certificate. From the August 2019 he worked in Unibank. On Sepember 30, 2020 he volutarely went to participate in war operations. At first he was in Ararat, but since October 15, recognising the risks of war, he signed and went to fight in Jrakan. His last call was on October 20, 2020 – he died the same day. He received an offer of a senior position as vice president of the bank’s branch office, with condition shortly thereafter being promoted to the branch office manager. But he rejected this offer, as he decided to go to fight for his himeland. He dreamed to buy a house in Shushi. On April 26 2021 his son was born – Narek Yeganyan. He awarded medal “For Martial Service”.