Melik Yerem Harutiunyan (November 15, 1998, town Vayq, Vayots Dzor region – October 18, 2020, Jrakan).
After graduating the high school in Vayq, he studied in Vayq state educational college. He attended football and carate trainings, won competitions. In 2017-2019 he served in Tovuz military unit of Tavush region, as a senior telephone operator of governing platoon. He conducted his military tasks with high sence of responsibility. In July, 2020 he enrolled in faculty of Agrobusiness and economics of Armenian Agricultural State University. On October 28, 2020 he was involved in 4-th (ԲԿ ՄՈԲ) reserve troops of Military Forces of RA, participated in military trainings. On October 14 he went to front line with his friends as a volunteer. He participated in Jrakan battles and died on Octobet 18, from drone bomb explosion. He decided to establish a large agricultural farm, and in order to manage the work process, his choise of speciality was agrobusiness. Parallet to this, he was studying Spanish language, in order to contact with international partners. And he didn’t realise his plans…
When his family members asked him, what, if he will not move to war operations, he answered: “I’m going there for my will, I’m going there to establish peace, I’m going, in order bringing Armenia new Meliks, and I’m going to have nobody go…”