Saribek Mkrtchyan

Saribek Mkrtchyan

Travellers of the Eternal: Saribek Mkrtchyan

Saribek Mkrtchyan

Saribek Hovhannes Mkrtchyan

( 23.10.2000 – 30.09.2020 )

Saribek Hovhannes Mkrtchyan, junior sergeant, artilleryman (October 23, 2000, Yerevan – September 30, 2020, Jabrayil)

Saribek was a musician who played in the “Vahagn” drummers’ ensemble and pursued his education at N. Aghbalyan School before entering Yerevan College of Informatics. His aspirations were twofold — he aimed to become a programmer while concurrently honing his skills as a musician.

On January 26, 2019, Saribek was drafted into the army and assigned to the Kapan military unit. Despite his initial intention to serve as a drummer, circumstances led him to become an artilleryman. Just months away from his anticipated discharge, the outbreak of war changed the course of events. Sent to Jabra’il for military exercises, Saribek tragically lost his life on the evening of September 30 due to a lightning strike. The family received the heartbreaking news on October 2. Saribek’s 20th birthday was commemorated at Yerablur, a poignant celebration amid the ongoing conflict. His musical talents garnered numerous honors from competitions. In recognition of his service, he received letters of gratitude for “Service in the Defense of the Motherland’s Borders” and “for active participation in the festive concert dedicated to the 28th anniversary of the formation of the Armenian Army.”