Zhora Alik Martirosyan, tank mechanic driver (October 6, 2001, Lenughi, Armavir region – October 22, 2020, Sanasaravan /Kubatlu/).
Zhora attended a local school until 6th grade, after which his family moved to Yerevan and then to the Russian Federation for permanent residence. He excelled in wrestling and the sport helped to strengthen his character. Zhora’s family was involved in the tourism industry. He enlisted on July 11, 2019, and served in Armavir for six months before being transferred to Kubatlu/Sanasaravan. In 2020, he participated in the tank biathlon held in Astrakhan and emerged as the victorious champion. He then immediately left for Artsakh. Zhora was known for his calmness and fearlessness in the face of challenges. However, he recently resigned from his position and understood that it would be difficult to return. Despite this, he stood up for his friend and refused to leave him alone. Unfortunately, Zhora and his two comrades were killed in a UAV attack on October 22.