We are pleased to announce that the History Museum of Armenia hosted the first Armenian Nobel Laureate, renowned representative of the field of medicine, molecular biologist,
neurologist Artem Pataputyan, who presented his award to the History Museum of Armenia. The 2021 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to the scientist for discovery of temperature and
touch receptors.
RA Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Alfred Kocharyan, Deputy Minister of Economy Ani Ispiryan, scientists and cultural figures, journalists and family members of the award winner were present at the ceremony. In his speech, the Deputy Minister of the RA Ministry of ESCS thanked the great scientist and welcomed such a decision.                                                Museum Director David Poghosyan emphasized this symbolic step not only in terms of recognition of achievements in the scientific field, but also in terms of the development of the scientific field, encouragement to engage in science and education.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In his speech, the best scientist of our time said: “If at the age of 18 I was told that one day I would be awarded the Nobel Prize, and then I would present it to the History Museum of
Armenia, I would not believe it and would think that they were joking. Receiving this award was a surprise for me, but at the same time an event of hope, especially for young students. I think
this is a message for them. If it happened to me, it could happen to them.”
A. Pataputyan kindly answered the questions of the media present at the meeting, left a note in the museum’s guest book, and then toured the exhibition areas of the museum.
The biographical details of the Armenian Nobel Prize winner presented by him can be found in the History Museum of Armenia, where the valuable donation will be displayed in the coming
We thank the esteemed scientist Artem Pataputyan for his visit and donation and kindly invite our visitors to see the first Nobel Prize in Armenia and to get acquainted with the path and the
thoughts of the future of our famous scientist.