It is with great pleasure to announce that on October 20, the History Museum of Armenia will host Harry Tupan, Director of the Drents Museum in Assen, the Netherlands. The Drents Museum is one of the important foreign partner institutions of the History Museum.

At 15:00, Harry Tupan will deliver a report on the topic “International exhibitions of the Drents Museum and collaboration with the History Museum of Armenia”, during which specialists in the field, as well as those who are interested in the field of museum exhibitions and international programmes, will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the experience of active and effective exhibition organisation and international cooperation of the Drents Museum, one of the world’s leading museums. It should be noted that international museum exhibitions have a contemporary and important significance for our country.

We would like to remind you that last year the exhibition “Under the spell of Mount Ararat – Treasures from Ancient Armenia” organised at the Drents Museum, where 160 valuable and original artefacts from the archaeological collection of the History Museum of Armenia were presented, was recognised as the best exhibition of the year in the Netherlands as a result of public voting and received the first prize.

Attendees will have the opportunity to ask Harry Tupan their professional questions. The latter specialised in museology, archaeology, and art history. Harry Tupan has been the director of the Drentz Museum since 2017, and before that he held various management positions in the museum and carried out international expert activities.

Language of the meeting: English.

Free admission.