The Virgin and Child are presented in frontal view on the west face, in the iconographic principle of Hodegetria.  Framing her face, the folds of her veil come down and cover her body.  Her right hand raised from under the cover is placed on the Child’s knee.  The Infant Christ is shown [...]

The small cat figure of a woman dates back to the 6th-5th centuries BC.  The woman is naked, long-legged, with emphasized toes on her feet.  A sumptuous hairdo decorates her head.  Her face is oval-shaped, her nose is long and straight.  Her eyes are almond-shaped, and her mouth is marke [...]

The narrative scenes of the “Three Adolescents in the Fiery Furnace” and “Daniel in the Den of Lions” are respectively depicted on the four faces and the base of the stela. In the center of the main, west face of the base is the figure of Daniel in praying attitude (orant), standing upri [...]

The scene is carved on three separate slabs of the south façade of the church of Spitakavor (White Virgin).  On the left-hand slab, a young rider, armed with a bow, shoots an arrow at a deer.  The horse moves forward, and the rider is depicted turned towards the deer.  On the right-hand [...]

This three-dimensional sculpture of a cross has extended vertical arms (one horizontal arm is missing). Rich acanthus scrolls, symbolizing growth of the cross, emerge from the base and reach the horizontal arm. The arms of the cross terminate in double circular frames, resembling gemston [...]

The charmer is crescent-shaped, with a rectangular hanger, edged with small triangles. In the centre are single eight-pointed rosettes in two circles. On the hanger, there is a quadrangle divided into four small triangles by diagonals.  Such charmers were hung on the neck of a bull or th [...]

The statuette represents a deity patronizing fertility. She is shown sitting with her gaze fixed upwards. Her head is small, her face is oval-shaped and flat. Her forehead is narrow and her big nose is sticking out. Her eyes are marked as round depressions and her mouth is a small crack. [...]

The three-dimensional sculpture of the cross presents the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Christ, nude and standing upright, is nailed on the logs. His hair is spread over the shoulders, His cheeks and chin are covered with a beard and His arms are horizontally spread. His eyes are open wit [...]

THE UNIQUE FIND OF A 5500 -YEAR-OLD LEATHER SHOE Areni-1 Cave Complex, Trench 3 Copper Age, 3600-3500 BC The leather shoe was discovered in 2008. As evidenced by the excavating archeologists, the shoe was dated from 3500 BC by the radio-carbon analysis in Spectrometry Laboratories at the [...]